Otsego County > Morris

County: Otsego

  1,735 town
  486 village

Glen Highland Farm, the largest nonprofit based in Morris, provides sanctuary to  to senior border collies.

School districts: Morris Central School District
Libraries: Morris Library (formerly Village Library of Morris)

Emergency services: Morris Emergency Squad, Morris Fire Department

Fraternal organizations: American Legion, Rotary, VFW

Not-for-profit cemeteries: Hillington Cemetery, Hillington Crematory

Recent grants:

Glen Highland Farm
  Clement and Karen Arrison Family Charitable Foundation  -  Buffalo, NY  -  $5,000  (2023)

Morris Central School District
  U.S. Department of Education  -  Washington, DC  -  $25,653  (2022)

Oneonta Jewish Community
  Community Foundation of Unadilla  -  Unadilla, NY  -  $1,000  (2022)

Largest nonprofits in Morris (by assets) include:

Hillington Cemetery
Morris Library
Suruluna Animal Rescue
Hillington Crematory
Otsego County Fair Association